Minn. House OKs K-12 bill without Dayton agreement

The Minnesota House has approved a public schools spending package destined for a probable veto.

The bill passed the Republican-controlled chamber early Wednesday.

Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton has vowed to reject budget bills that aren't part of an overall budget deal with the GOP-led Legislature. The two sides are deadlocked over taxes and the level of spending. Minnesota faces a projected $5 billion shortfall over the next two years.

The bill for K-12 schools spends about $14 billion, or about two-fifths of the state's general fund.

Rep. Pat Garofalo, the bill's House sponsor, says legislative negotiators made several concessions to Dayton by including more special education funding and removing policy provisions the governor didn't like.

The Senate is expected to take final action later Wednesday and sent the bill to Dayton.

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