MinnEcon Blog

Where do age 55+ Minnesotans work?

Where will you find the find largest concentration of Minnesota workers 55 and older?


That wasn't your first guess. You picked retail and then food service. I did, anyway.

I posted Monday on the jump in unemployment of older workers in the Great Recession, using data compiled by the state Department of Employment and Economic Development.

DEED also sent a table on the breakdown of 55+ workers by economic sector and it's interesting enough I thought I'd highlight it separately. Take a look.

First quarter 2010 is the most recent data available.

I don't have any particular insight on the data but I am curious what readers see.

If nothing else, we're going to need to pay attention to older Minnesotans. The state is on the cusp of a huge jump in its 65-and-older population.

Given the Great Recession, we're likely to see more older Minnesotans working longer.


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