The Cities Blog

Suspicious package turns out to be wax candles and stretch pants

It was a strange day on the job for two city park employees. The workers were cleaning up flood debris in Crosby Park when they stumbled across "a suspicious-looking package." They drove it over to the St. Paul Fire Department and the bomb squad was called out to inspect it.

Their finding? It wasn't a bomb.

"It turns out to be three wax candles wrapped in stretch pants," said St. Paul Police Department spokesman Andy Skoogman.

It goes without saying that the park employees didn't know what to do with it.

"They come upon a lot of different types of debris and items, and it seemed I guess to them more strange even than suspicious, but they just wanted to be safe rather than sorry."

Skoogman said he's not sure what will become of the candle-packed stretch pants bundle. As to how it ended up there in the first place, we may never know.