Klobuchar says gray wolves should be removed from protected list

Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., says gray wolves should be removed from the Endangered Species list.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said last week that the population of gray wolves in Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin has recovered enough to be removed from federal protection. Klobuchar said the state should take the lead role in managing the wolf population.

"The key is that we do this in a smart way, but we also are aware of the fact that this is time to get them off the list," Klobuchar said. "This is how the endangered species act was set up and we just had a lot of delays here and it's time to move forward."

Klobuchar said that hopefully the state would work in concert with the environmental groups and everyone else.

Nearly 3,000 wolves have partial protections under federal law. They can be killed when they've harmed livestock.

Minnesota DNR would be able to put forth its own management plan if the wolf is removed from the endangered species act.