Business groups to run ads opposing proposed tax hikes

The Minnesota Chamber of Commerce, the Minnesota Business Partnership and other business groups will start running radio ads this week encouraging state lawmakers not to raise taxes to erase the state's $5 billion budget deficit.

Minnesota Business Partnership director Charlie Weaver wouldn't say how much the groups are spending on the ads, but he said the business community is worried any tax increases could place a burden on the state's businesses.

Weaver said the groups timed the ads to run when lawmakers go home this week for the Passover/Easter break.

"Having served there, I know when I went home for Easter break I got an earful on any number of topics, so it's a great time for legislators to listen," Weaver said. "If our message resonates then they'll be listening to our message."

Gov. Dayton and Republican lawmakers are at odds over the best way to balance the state's budget. Dayton wants to increase taxes on Minnesota's top earners, but Republicans oppose income tax increases.