Dayton tells higher ed community he'll fight for funding

Gov. Mark Dayton told a group of college students, faculty members and administrators Wednesday that he has strengthened his resolve to fight against cuts in higher education funding.

Dayton held a round table discussion at Metropolitan State University in St. Paul to get feedback on competing budget plans. The DFL governor is proposing smaller cuts for higher education than what Republicans in the House and Senate have passed.

Rick Nelson of the Minnesota State College Faculty organization was among several participants who praised Dayton's plan to raise income taxes on top earners.

"We made an investment in the [1960s] and created the community college system through a fair and aggressive tax systems, and I think it's time for our generation to step to the plate and gives the next generation an opportunity," Nelson said.

Several participants urged Dayton to stand firm against higher education cuts. University of Minnesota President Robert Bruininks called the House and Senate budgets "a race to the bottom."