Sen. Klobuchar cancels trip to Moorhead to continue budget talks in DC

Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., cancelled a trip to Moorhead to inspect flood preparations Friday in order to stay in Washington D.C. as negotiations over keeping the federal government open continue.

Klobuchar and all of the other female Democratic Senators told reporters they're unwilling to accept Republican demands to cut off federal funding for Planned Parenthood and other family planning organizations. Klobuchar said she recently met a female sheriff who asked the senator to protect her access to birth control.

"That's what we're standing up here today, all the[women] in Senate on the Democratic side, to say we're not going to mess with that deputy sheriff's birth control," Klobuchar said. "This is about a budget issue, not politics."

Democrats say they have largely reached agreement with Republicans on a package of nearly $40 billion worth of cuts for the remaining six months of this fiscal year. They say the sole remaining sticking point is funding for women's health and family planning.

Republicans say there is no deal yet on spending and that most policy issues have been resolved.