Bachmann rallies for deeper cuts in budget

Bachmann speaks at tea party rally
Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., at a rally on Capitol Hill on March 31, 2011.
AP Photo

Budget talks in Washington continue Wednesday. Negotiators have until midnight Friday to reach a deal before the federal government must shut down.

Several hundred Tea Party supporters rallied in front of the Capitol in Washington to demand deep, immediate spending cuts. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Stillwater, said Democrats were dragging their heels and trying to avoid blame if the government is forced to close.

"And you know what they want to do?" Bachmann asked. "They want to want blame it on you. They want to say that it's your fault."

Some protesters at the rally carried signs that said "shut it down." Bachmann said along with cutting spending the federal government should cut taxes on employers.