Ground Level Blog

Northeastern Minnesota’s economic future: Join a forum tonight

We're expecting at least a couple hundred people to show up in Duluth this evening to talk about how northeastern Minnesota's economy might look two, five or 20 years from now.

Will the Iron Range and the North Shore continue to go their separate ways economically?

Will tourism thrive forever? Mining?

How does so much growth in the health care industry square with efforts to rein in health care spending nationally?

How will the North Woods economy respond to climate change that alters the forests? Will broadband access to the Internet change the economy up the shore?

As much as any region of Minnesota, the Arrowhead is a complex brew of powerful economic forces, engaging cultural history, new ways of thinking about the environment and changing politics. If things go well tonight, a lot of that will be on display.

If you can, come to a forum this evening at the Duluth Radisson hosted by MPR News and Northlands NewsCenter. Reception starts at 6 p.m., the conversation hosted by MPR News' Cathy Wurzer runs from 7 to 8:30. Details here.

If you can't, join what promises to be a lively chatterfest/live blog at MPR News' Insight Now. Michael Caputo and Michael Olson will be blogging, tweeting and collecting comments from bloggers and tweeters around the room and the Arrowhead.

Click here for more about that or simply come back to this Ground Level post when the action starts and watch and participate through this window:
