Dinner Party Download and the movie 'Bellflower'

The guests of honor on this week's Dinner Party Download are Evan Glodell and Tyler Dawson -- filmmaker and actor, respectively, of a new film called "Bellflower."

"Bellflower" was one of the most buzzed-about -- and polarizing -- movies of this year's Sundance and SXSW film fests. Half charmingly gritty love story, half apocalyptic psychodrama, it defies easy description, and leaves audiences alternately entranced and outraged.

Filmmaker Evan Glodell and co-star Tyler Dawson talk about why it was made, the joy of flamethrowers, and why making movies is worth arrest.

To hear more from the Bellflower guys, and to learn about the sandwich that's threatening the cheesesteak, go to Dinner Party Download.