GOP: State aid for flood victims 'will be done quickly'

Republican leaders in the Minnesota House and Senate say they will be ready to move quickly this session to provide state aid to communities hit by spring flooding.

The Legislature is scheduled to adjourn on May 23. Last fall, lawmakers met in a one-day special session to pass an $80-million disaster relief package for 30 counties. The need for relief could be significantly greater this spring.

House Speaker Kurt Zellers, R-Maple Grove, said legislators will take care of whatever they need to.

"You have to be as quick and as efficient as possible for the people who are going through it," Zellers said. "We have every faith in the world that whatever is needed, we'll work with the governor. It will be done quickly. It will be done professionally."

Republicans are also considering a small bonding proposal that would help with some long-range projects to control flooding in Minnesota communities.