Dayton shows support for invasive species bill

Gov. Mark Dayton is backing legislation aimed at slowing the spread of invasive species in Minnesota lakes and rivers.

Two DFL legislators have introduced the measure, which would beef up watercraft inspections and enforcement. It would also increase penalties for violations.

During a news conference Wednesday at the Department of Natural Resources, Dayton said he expects bipartisan support to head off a potential crisis.

"Once that divide is crossed by these monsters, we are going to be left with very little recourse for the next years to come," Dayton said. "We don't want that problem. We need to do everything we possibly can to prevent and avoid that problem."

Dayton's budget plan would raise $4 million through increased fees on boat owners and create a dedicated fund to combat invasive species. His bonding bill proposal includes a $16 million barrier project for the Coon Rapids Dam.