Statewide Blog

Rochester schools seek input on new superintendent

Rochester Public Schools officials want your help.

As they develop a profile for the next superintendent, school officials are holding several sessions to get the community's input on what they'd like to see in the new leader.

The next session will be Monday, March 14. Residents, parents and students are encouraged to attend.

Officials with School Exec Connect, a superintendent search firm, will assist with the meeting and the overall search to find a superintendent.

The meeting begins at 4 p.m. at Century High School. Similar community input sessions have been held recently at other Rochester schools.

Earlier this year, the Rochester School Board selected veteran education administrator Jackie Silver to temporarily replace Superintendent Romain Dallemand, who left the district in January. Silver is expected to serve approximately six months until the district hires a permanent replacement.

Dallemand left Rochester to become the superintendent of Bibb County Schools in Macon, Ga. He became superintendent of the Rochester Public Schools in 2007 after working as a school administrator in Connecticut and Florida.

As the search continues, school officials are encouraging residents to fill out a survey about what the community wants the superintendent to be.

Officials will post a summary of the survey results on the district's website after March 14.

School board members and School Exec Connect officials will interview candidates in early May and hold a special session on May 24 to vote on the new superintendent's contract.

The new superintendent is expected to start July 1.