Pawlenty says 2012 plans announced 'sometime in the next 45 days'

Former Gov. Tim Pawlenty is in Washington today meeting with supporters, and he said he plans to make a decision soon about whether to run for President next year.

Pawlenty supporters described the meeting as a "meet-and-greet" session with current and former members of Congress, political operatives and lobbyists.

Some of the organizers included former Sen. Norm Coleman, former Congressmen Vin Weber and Mark Kennedy and current representatives John Kline and Erik Paulsen.

"You know, sometime in the next 45 days or less," Pawlenty said when asked when he would announce his decision.

The former governor said a decision could come even sooner.

Meanwhile, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich will reportedly announce his plans to run for the Republican nomination on Thursday.