Dayton may restore cuts to nursing homes, home health care

Gov. Mark Dayton says he intends to restore some of the funding he's proposed to cut from nursing homes and home health agencies if the state's economic picture improves.

Dayton proposed a budget plan that increases income taxes on Minnesota's top earners, but also cut funding for nursing homes and home health agencies. State finance officials are set to release their next forecast of Minnesota's situation on Monday. Dayton says if the forecast show an improvement he'll adjust his plan.

"I said this is a hard budget for hard times. Anyone who can improve upon my budget is welcome to do so," said Dayton. "I intend to look, if we have a better revenue forecast, for the chance to do that myself. And those will be two of the priority areas, home health care and nursing homes."

Minnesota is facing a projected $6.2 billion budget deficit over the next two years. Republican legislative leaders say the state's budget deficit can be erased without raising taxes.