Survey: Manufacturing execs upbeat about economy

A new survey finds Minnesota manufacturing executives more upbeat about the fortunes of their own businesses and the economy in general.

The survey comes from Enterprise Minnesota, a state-chartered consulting firm for manufacturers. Pollster Rob Autry said fewer than one in 10 executives sees further recession. That's down from 56 percent two years ago.

Autry said health costs are the top concern for executives; taxes are third.

"Seventy-one percent rated the cost of health care coverage as a concern, 61 percent of executives rated government policies and regulations as a concern. And over half, 56 percent, said taxes, whether it's at the federal state or local level were a concern to them and their business," Autry said.

Concerns about taxes were in a statistical tie with concerns about the impact of the federal health care overhaul.

The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.9 percentage points -- 400 manufacturers from across Minnesota were interviewed by phone.