Dayton says he'd reconsider cuts if fiscal outlook improves

Gov. Mark Dayton is suggesting that he'll restore some of the cuts he's proposing in his budget plan if the state's fiscal outlook improves.

Dayton has proposed more than $4 billion in tax hikes and nearly $1 billion in permanent cuts to balance the budget.

Dayton told reporters Wednesday that he would look at restoring some of his cuts to nursing homes and other Health and Human Services programs if the next revenue forecast shows a smaller projected budget deficit.

"It's about real human beings' lives, which is why I took their concerns very seriously and said I'll look at the next revenue forecast in the next few weeks to see what else might be possible," Dayton said. "I made no commitments to anyone, but I'm well aware that every dollar that I'm proposing in spending cuts affects somebody's life in Minnesota."

Dayton said Republicans who are critical of his plan should present their own plan so the public can weigh the differences. GOP legislative leaders say they will erase the $6.2 billion budget deficit on cuts alone.