The Cities Blog

More people rode Northstar commuter rail last month

One month of numbers does not a comeback make. But Metro Transit folks are very happy about January's uptick in Northstar commuter rail ridership - weekday ridership is up nineteen percent.

You may recall last year's ridership, the line's first full year of operation, was nearly 21 percent below projection. Northstar boosters say it's worth keeping in mind Northstar is young and it takes time to build a following.

Political jousting over whether the service is a taxpayer boondoggle or a true transit option seems to have died down. One opponent says the service is here, it's time to help make it work.

A proposal aimed at attracting more bus riders to rail calls for new station in Ramsey. It could cost as much as $14 million.

There's some money on the table for the idea, but more to be found, not an easy task in this fiscal climate.