Statewide Blog

Brewer wants to sell suds

On alcohol sales - Read more then comment

On State of the State - Read more then comment

Well our question last week on whether Minnesota should end the Sunday ban on alcohol sales has picked up steam over the last few days. Now the debate over changing alcohol restrictions has expanded to manufacturers.

First, the Surly Brewing Company has a $20 million expansion planned. But the beer maker's executives say they won't start construction unless the state not only allows Sunday sales, but also sales on any day by a larger brewer. Current law prohibits large brewers from selling beer.

Ending the ban would create 150 jobs, Surly officials say.

You might recall that I told you the Minnesota Licensed Beverage Association opposes lifting the Sunday ban. The reason association members gave back then: We need a day off.

This week, MPR political reporter Tom Scheck asked them again. This time the opposition is to a manufacturer peddling beer.

So let's expand our conversation. Should alcohol restrictions be changed if it might mean a brewer creates jobs? What do you make of the Beverage Association's opposition?

Also, Gov. Mark Dayton will make his first State of the State address today.

And in one report at MinnPost, it appears that Dayton will not speak about the deficit.

Instead, the speech will be heavy on investment and innovation. The governor and will focus on the state's deficit when he releases the budget next week.

There's an interesting post at the Leadership and Community blog on innovation. The gist of it is - the real entrepreneurs aren't talking innovation, they are just doing.

You are Mark Dayton ... what would you stress in a State of the State speech?