Ground Level Blog

Fact & Fears about Crime in Rochester (liveblogging the Feb. 1 forum)

UPDATE: This hour and a half conversation has ended. Check out the good back and forth by following the link below.

Crime and how to prevent it has grabbed the attention of Rochester leaders. Population growth and scattered acts of gang violence have pushed the issue forward. Over the last year, new officers have been hired and a reorganization of the police department has focused on proactive policing.

But the costs are high and their remains a concern about whether public safety resources are being used well.

So MPR News and the Post-Bulletin are holding a community-wide forum at the Mayo Civic Center on public safety. What's fact? What's fiction? What's complicated and needs further explaining? You don't have to be at the civic center to take part... just follow the liveblog.

WHAT: Rochester Crime, Fact & Fiction

WHEN: Tuesday February 1, 2011 7 PM