
Treeless in Minneapolis

Other than the sandstone, there isn't a lot about Target Field in Minneapolis that screams "Minnesota." At least not as many things as scream, "I've got more money than you," and that's not very Minnesotan.

One exception is the pine trees in the outfield, something you see at only one other major league park (Colorado). Click the image for the full screen "let me pretend it's not a gray January day" goodness.

''There's a Seattle feel with the pine trees in center field,'' Jim Thome said last year. Thome, apparently, has never been to northern Minnesota.

Those trees? Kiss 'em goodbye. The Twins have decided to cut them down to improve the background for the batters. Apparently the dark green trees against the dark green background made it too difficult for the mighty Twins to pick up the white ball from the pitcher.

Players started complaining about the trees after the first exhibition games at the new park last year.

Incidentally, pitchers and catchers report to spring training in 20 days.

Update 4:09 p.m. - Dug up this picture from Cleveland. Note center field. The team dominated the American League through the '90s from the moment this park opened.