MLK rally to feature TV, film producer Robin Hickman

The Governors Commission on Martin Luther King Jr. celebration sponsors several events Monday in King's honor.

Festivities begin with a rally at Central High School in St. Paul, followed by a march from the school to Concordia University, where TV and film producer Robin Hickman will give a keynote speech.

Hickman is a fifth-generation Minnesotan who marched as a child with others to adopt the federal MLK holiday in Minnesota. Monday marks the 25th anniversary of the declaration of MLK Day as a holiday in Minnesota.

Hickman said she will stress the need for adults to reach out to youth, and for youth to learn from their elders.

"Often our young people -- it is wonderful -- they lift up Dr. King, they lift up Rosa Parks," Hickman said. "But they also they need to not just honor national heroes but teaching them to honor the heroes ... that walk among them in their community."

Hickman wants to encourage young people to learn from the past by seeing the progress that has been made.

"I believe we have lived the answers we're seeking," Hickman said. "It's all right to do and embrace new ideals but we can't dismiss the old school, those things that we did in our communities that made the village strong, so that we could raise our children."

Concordia will host spoken word, musical and dance performances. A multi-media exhibit explores the history of the black community.

Gov. Mark Dayton and U.S. Sens. Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken have also been invited to speak.

The rally is from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.; the march begins at 10:35 and Hickman will speak at 12:20 p.m.