Minn. House panel votes to undo nuclear ban

A Minnesota House committee has approved a bill that would repeal the state moratorium on new nuclear power plants.

Members of the House environment, energy and natural resources committee approved the measure Tuesday by a vote of 10 to 6. Supporters of the repeal say they're confident that the House and Senate will pass the bill quickly this session.

Gov. Mark Dayton opposes repeal, but Republican Rep. Joyce Peppin of Rogers said her bill is not an attempt to challenge the governor.

"I believe we strongly consider energy needs in the future, and this is not any kind of political shot across the bow," Peppin said. "This is doing about what I believe is right, and that's why if it takes slowing the process down and meeting with the governor's staff to find out what his concerns are and if we can meet those concerns in any way, we're going to do that."

Opponents of the repeal, including several Democrats on the committee, stressed that nuclear power is the most expensive source of energy. They also said a repeal of the ban would expose ratepayers to unnecessary risk.