The Dinner Party Download featuring Tennis

Tennis is Patrick Riley and Alaina Moore.
Courtesy of Tennis

This week on The Dinner Party Download...

"Where The Wild Things Are" director Spike Jonze tells us about a tractor trip.

Small Talk: Andrew Womack
Andrew Womack, editor of daily online magazine The Morning News, makes Boring 2010... interesting.

A History Lesson with Booze: The Washington Generals and "The Eternal Optimist"
Learn about the day the biggest losers in sports' history finally won. Then slam dunk a custom cocktail courtesy of Eric Holzherr, owner and bar maestro at Wisdom in Washington, D.C.

Guest(s) of Honor: Tennis
Get ready to puke: Two kids fall in love, save their money, buy a boat, live on it for seven months, get married, write songs about the experience, songs leak on the internet, the world loves them, the kids sign to a label, record a full-length and are now being interviewed on shows like the Dinner Party Download.

Told you.

The couple in question, Patrick Riley and Alaina Moore -- aka Tennis -- tell Brendan about growing up landlocked and living la vida luddite.

To hear a longer version of the show -- and to catch a new song from the band Happy Birthday -- head to