Dayton: Hunger remains critical problem in Minn.

Gov.-elect Mark Dayton said hunger is a critical problem in the state at a fundraiser Tuesday for food shelves in northeastern Minnesota.

"One out of every ten Minnesotans uses a food shelf. And in this day and age, in our state, that's a terrible commentary on our economic crisis and our social crisis," Dayton said.

Sen. Tom Bakk, DFL-Cook, organized the St. Paul fundraiser which included an appearance by Vikings running back Adrian Peterson. Organizers expected to raise more than $50,000

"My No. 1 priority is to put people back to work all over MN, and improve people's standard of living so that the food shelves will be a last resort, and not needed by so many people," Dayton said.

Dayton also said he's emphasized the need to raise taxes on the best-off Minnesotans so that the state can take care of the its least fortunate.