Minneapolis asks residents to help clear snow

Minneapolis city officials are asking the public to help clear snow at intersections. Minneapolis public works spokesman Mike Kennedy says the city's snow removal budget for this year is spent.

Kennedy says the city has some contingency money, but residents can't count on the city to remove snow blocking many of the city's 20,000 intersections.

"If a gang of people on a block can go out and try to clear those things out ... or if somebody has a snowblower -- the more they can do to help out the better because it's going to take us quite a while to get there," Kennedy said.

Kennedy says the city's highest traffic intersections get snow removal priority. He says the city is receiving and acting on complaints of property owners who haven't cleared sidewalks.

Kennedy says some of the city's workers have been putting in 12-hour shifts, seven days in a row for nearly a month to clear snow.