Dayton, GOP briefly discuss Vikings stadium bill

Gov.-elect Mark Dayton and Senate Republican leaders say they talked briefly Thursday about the prospects a new Vikings stadium bill.

They say the issue came up during a broader discussion about the 2011 session, which will be dominated by the projected $6.2 billion budget deficit.

Assistant GOP Senate Majority Leader Geoff Michel of Edina told reporters that the stadium issue took up about a minute and a half of the half-hour meeting. Despite last weekend's collapse of the Metrodome roof, Michel said the budget must come first.

"I don't think it's any more dramatic or any more urgent than the state of our economy," Michel said. "Our economy has deflated. Our state jobs picture has flatlined."

Dayton said he would support a stadium paid for through user fees, but not state tax money. He also said the project must provide an economic benefit to the state.