Vikings look for shovelers to clean out TCF stadium

The University of Minnesota will pay people $10 an hour to help dig out TCF Bank Stadium in time for Monday night's Vikings-Bears football game.

The school is working with a temp agency to find people who want to get paid to shovel snow Thursday through Sunday. Workers are removing snow from bleachers, concourses and the field.

University of Minnesota spokesman Dan Wolter says shoveling between all the rows of seats will be a difficult task.

"We've got to go through them with a shovel to move the heavy snow, and then there are people going behind with big power blowers pushing what's left," said Wolter. "That, basically, all goes on to a big chute goes down into the field, and then front loaders put it in a dump truck and we ship over to a field on our St. Paul campus."

The school will provide shovels for workers. Before work began, snow was piled up at the stadium in five-foot drifts in some areas. The weather forecast calls for up to another four inches of snow by Thursday morning.

The Vikings game has been moved to TCF Bank Stadium because the collapsed roof of the team's home, the Metrodome, won't be fixed in time.