Dayton still looking for budget commissioner

Governor-elect Mark Dayton will be hiring cabinet members between now and the time he takes office on Jan. 3.

Dayton still needs to fill key posts, including a Management and Budget commissioner. Last week, Dayton unveiled his inner circle of advisers -- including Tina Smith, who will serve as Dayton's chief of staff.

Smith said Dayton wants to hire cabinet members who come from diverse backgrounds.

"People who have the ability to motivate and inspire change; folks who are really reform-minded," Smith said. "They're not satisfied with the status quo. I think if there's one message that everybody should have heard coming out of this last election is that the status quo isn't good enough."

Smith also said Dayton is looking for people who have a strong track record of managing people and budgets and complex systems.

Dayton has already announced he's keeping Gov. Tim Pawlenty's transportation commissioner Tom Sorel.