The Dinner Party Download featuing Kid Cudi

Kid Cudi
Kid Cudi.
Pamela Littky

This week on the Dinner Party Download...

Icebreaker: Girl Talk
Mash-up music star Greg Gillis, a.k.a. "Girl Talk," tells a cheesy joke.

Small Talk:
Jacob Weisberg, Editor-in-Chief of Slate, is fascinated with Sarah Palin's hunting fascination.

A History Lesson with Booze:
Learn about a woman who was starstruck...literally. Then experience an Extinction Level Event - a custom cocktail courtesy of Robert Bagwell, bartender at Bottletree in Birmingham, Alabama.

Guest of Honor: Kid Cudi
Kid Cudi (nee Scott Ramon Seguro Mescudi) hails from Cleveland, but he put himself on the map in Brooklyn, NY with his 2008 mixtape "A Kid Named Cudi."

It won him a lot of fans, including a guy named Kanye West who signed Cudi to his label (and still cites him as his favorite artist). Since then Cudi's produced two acclaimed albums and contributed to several Kanye tracks - but he's still a self-proclaimed "art kid," considered one of a new breed of rappers who focus more on middle-class life than gangster fantasies.

He talks to Brendan about his problem with modern hip hop...and with his teeth.

-- This week you can catch a joke from Bob Odenkirk of the TV show "Breaking Bad" and hear a Thin Lizzy song at