Hennepin County hoping to wrap up recount today

Hennepin County Election officials say they hope to wrap up their part of the governor's race recount Friday.

Election judges in Hennepin County started sorting and counting ballots earlier Friday than any of the previous four days of the recount, and they may be working later than usual today in hopes of finishing the recount.

To wrap it up, they would have to count roughly 130,000 ballots. On Thursday, they hand-tallied a little more than 100,000 ballots.

Hennepin County Elections Manager Rachel Smith had been saying she expected the counting here in Minneapolis would go into the weekend.

Smith now says both the Emmer and Dayton campaigns are supporting her push to finish the recount today.

Smith says she thinks getting it done today is achievable, unless frivolous ballot challenges spike, which she says would slow down the count.