Cantus: Under the bridge

Under the bridge
Cantus sings under the bridge, between Lake of the Isles and Lake Calhoun
MPR photo/Laura Gill

If you've ever walked under the bridge that connects Lake of the Isles to Lake Calhoun in Minneapolis, you might have noticed a particularly strong echo. That's exactly what Aaron Humble thought every time he paddled his canoe through the adjoining waterway.

Humble sings tenor in the vocal chamber ensemble, Cantus. The nine men who make up Cantus have been chosen as Classical Minnesota Public Radio's artists in residence, and as part of their residency, they are taking part in an experiment dubbed, "Sonic Architecture."

In addition to traveling around the state to perform in concert halls, Cantus has been busy recording in non-traditional spaces. They performed under the bridge, in the Wabasha Caves of St. Paul, and inside the Walker Art Museum's Sky Pesher installation.

They are currently on the lookout for new places to try out their voices. If you have a suggestion, let them know. In the meantime, have a listen to what might be the best busking you're ever going to hear.