On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Sex columns, veterans and reach schools

Should You Apply to a Reach School? I happen to believe that applying to reach schools, with some exceptions, is risky. Here’s why: Colleges and universities possess a finite amount of money for financial aid. Most schools can’t give handsome financial aid or merit aid to all the members of their incoming freshman class. (google.com)

Veterans who go back to school wish they had more support Enrollment of veterans is surging at America's college campuses, but as a group they don't feel supported and understood, according to a national survey. (feeds.washingtonpost.com)

Low Youth Turnout in Midterm Elections Is Blamed on Candidates Roughly 20 percent of Americans under the age of 30 voted in Tuesday's midterm elections, according to the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement. The turnout was in the normal range for midterm elections, but three percentage points lower than 2006. Get-out-the-vote groups blamed the decline on candidates' failure to engage young voters. (chronicle.com)

Tuition at Many British Universities Could Nearly Double, Under Government Proposal A handful of institutions would be allowed to set their rates even higher but would have to recruit disadvantaged students who couldn't afford the fee. (chronicle.com)

Bridge Programs for Underprepared Adults Could Improve College Completion A report from the Workforce Strategy Center provides a snapshot of more than 500 such programs across the country that prepare students for job training. (chronicle.com)

The College as a Philanthropy. Yes, a Philanthropy. I want to be clear with you: You are not a customer here. You are something much better than that. You are not a commodity here. You are something way better than that. The reason you are not merely a customer or a commodity is that this college is not a business. (chronicle.com)

State, federal grants add to widening tuition aid gap The Minnesota Daily conducted an informal survey of 50 undergraduate students to determine ways in which they are paying for college. More than a third of students responded that they had received grants for 2010-11. (mndaily.com)

Sex columns 'revolutionize' college media? The general sentiment seems to be that all rules have been thrown out the window. Chivalry is gone, dating is passé, gender roles reversed. There's no blueprint for how students are supposed to act with each other. The columnists are asking, "Is this really good for us?" (USA Today)