Statewide Blog

Saudi royal family pumps millions into Rochester

When members of the Saudi Arabian royal family fly half way around the world to visit the Med City, lots of people notice.

This month's visit -- presumably for medical evaluations and treatment at the Mayo Clinic -- was no exception.

Officials with the Rochester Convention and Visitors Bureau estimate the recent visit of more than 100 people with ties to the royal family pumped $1.3 million into local coffers, according to an article in the Rochester Post-Bulletin.

The newspaper reports that the Saudi group arrived in Rochester sometime in early October. Rows of Mercedes Benz sedans and U-Haul trucks were seen in downtown Rochester, near the Mayo Clinic. And downtown shop owners reported some big ticket sales in recent weeks.

It's not the first time Saudi royalty comes to town.

In late 2008, Saudi Arabian royalty spent more than $1.5 million in town in a week on luxury hotels and car rentals.