Report: Stimulus critic Bachmann sought local cash

Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann voted against what she calls "the failed Pelosi trillion-dollar stimulus," but that didn't stop her from writing letters to federal agencies on behalf of seven grant applications seeking stimulus dollars.

The Center for Public Integrity reported Monday that Bachmann was among scores of GOP and Democratic stimulus opponents who wrote behind-the-scenes letters requesting funds for projects.

The two-term Minnesota representative sent letters in August and September 2009 highlighting projects including the Northstar Commuter Rail Line, the St. Croix bridge, road upgrades and a broadband application.

Bachmann's campaign provided this statement:

"I continue to oppose the so-called stimulus package because it has been a failure. It has failed at job creation, has wasted millions on everything from 'smoking cessation activities' to 'tax breaks for Hollywood movie producers' and has piled a massive amount of debt on our children and grandchildren.

"It is my obligation as a member of Congress to ensure stimulus dollars are spent on the most worthy projects. I did just that when I supported applications for the TIGER grant program."

GOP Reps. Erik Paulsen and John Kline also sent letters for projects after voting against the stimulus.

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