Singer Darryl Holter celebrates Minneapolis' West Bank

Holter and the Triangle
Darryl Holter outside what was once the Triangle Bar in the West Bank area of Minneapolis.
Image courtesy 213 Music

The West Bank of Minneapolis hosts a homecoming of sorts on Thursday. Singer Darryl Holter will stage a CD release concert at Palmer's Bar for his new recording "West Bank Gone."

It's a tribute to when Holter lived in the neighborhood in the late 1960's. At the time it was a musical hotspot attracting international attention, and Holter played a bit himself.

Holter now is a developer living in Los Angeles. Yet as he told Euan Kerr, he could never forget those West Bank Days, and that's what led to the album.

Darryl Holter will play music from his album "West Bank Gone" on Thursday evening at Palmers Bar in the West Bank area of Minneapolis.