On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Hate crimes, adjuncts and medical residency

Video: Hanging mannequin found at UM-Crookston A TV station reports that what appears to be an African-American effigy was found hanging from the roof of the student center at the University of Minnesota - Crookston. (valleynewslive-ondemand.com)

College Campuses Not Always Safe For Gay Students: NPR Report Although Rutgers student Tyler Clementi was not openly gay, the broadcast of his romantic encounter with a man on the Internet is being linked to his apparent suicide. New research shows campuses have not become significantly safer for students and faculty who are not straight. (Huffington Post)

A Message From Iraq to Its Exiled Scholars: Please Consider Returning Home The security situation for academics has improved considerably, and the country is building faculty residences in Baghdad to make coming back easier. (chronicle.com)

Adjunct Faculty Members Feel Left Out of Community-College Summit Adjuncts and advocates want to make sure their views are heard. The White House says they will be represented. (chronicle.com)

Student's Suicide Highlights Bullying Over Sexuality The suicide of a Rutgers University freshman whose sex life was broadcast over the Web stirred outrage and remorse from classmates who said they wished they could have stopped him from jumping off a bridge last week. (MPR Music)

State Revenues Are Slowly Rebounding Some rare good news for state spending on higher education: A new survey by the National Conference of State Legislatures concludes that tax revenues are projected to rise in 40 states in the 2011 fiscal year, with Colorado, Oregon, and Washington predicting increases of more than 10 percent. Fourteen other states now expect revenues to climb from 5 percent to 10 percent, and 23 states project growth of 1 percent to 5 percent. (chronicle.com)

Medical-Colleges Association Says Doctor Shortage Will Worsen Over the next five years, the shortage of doctors across all specialties will quadruple. With residency-training positions frozen at 1996 levels, the doctor supply can’t grow, even as more students are accepted into medical schools. (aamc.org)

Think Tank Tackles College Costs and Degree Production - The National Center for Policy Analysis today released a report called "Why Is College So Expensive?" The report builds on recent analyses that have tracked where colleges are spending revenue from increased tuition rates. Among other findings, the group said universities are spending more per degree awarded, and the cost of instruction is not keeping pace with other expenses, including administration and faculty research. (chronicle.com)

Augsburg shows the colors of tolerance A student-led, grass-roots campaign to decry an alleged attack and hurtful graffiti against GLBT students encouraged people at the Minneapolis college to wear the colors of rainbow this week. (Minneapolis Star Tribune)

Report Calls for Doubling of Minority Students Earning Science and Engineering Degrees The United States should double the number of underrepresented minority students, including African-Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans, who receive degrees in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics, the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine have recommended in a report. (chronicle.com)

Sen. Harkin: For-profit colleges' dropout rates tops 50% A leading Senate Democrat said Thursday that data obtained from a sampling of for-profit colleges show that more than half of their students drop out without earning a degree or certificate. (feeds.washingtonpost.com)

Chi Psi has turbulent past Since 2004, Chi Psi fraternity has a history of sanctions implemented by the University of Minnesota Interfraternity Council, including social probation, community service work and mandatory letters of apology to the University, according to documents obtained by The Minnesota Daily. (mndaily.com)