St. Paul: Ice cream man

Like most people, Stephen Gallivan plods through his 9-5 job as the concierge for the St. Paul Hotel. He likes his job - he's good at it too - but there was always something missing. Enter ice cream.

Gallivan had been dreaming of becoming an ice cream man for a few years. And on St. Patrick's Day of this year, that dream came to fruition. He reinvented himself as a tricycle peddling, seer sucker suit wearing, bell ringing, horn honking ice cream man.

His tricycle has one wheel in back and two in front, which support his portable freezer box. Gallivan hand painted the bike and the freezer in a Peter Max style of rainbow colors.

Embracing his new found entrepreneurial spirit, Gallivan reached out to local businesses and sold advertising space on his freezer.

He says business has been quite lucrative, and he's trying to come up with a way to keep it going during the cold, winter months.

More than money, however, Gallivan treasures the connections he's made with people.

"There's something really beautiful about a genuine exchange that isn't about anything other than the moment, and that moment just happens to have ice cream as a stage," he says.