On Campus Blog

Trouble Waters to show as scheduled

This from the U's News Service:

MINNEAPOLIS / ST. PAUL (09/23/2010) —The University of Minnesota has announced that the film “Troubled Waters” will be available today. (Note: A U spokesman said some copies will be set aside as soon as today for news media to review.) A showing of the film will take place at the Bell Museum on the originally scheduled date of Oct. 3. A discussion of the film will follow the showing.

Professor Susan Weller, director of the Bell Museum of Natural History, has this week obtained and had an opportunity to review documents that indicate that a review process for the film had taken place. After reviewing this material, Weller has concluded that there is no longer a need for an additional faculty panel to review the film as announced on Sept. 17. The film is being made available today in the form it was in prior to that announcement.

Senior Vice President and Provost Tom Sullivan said today to the University’s Faculty Consultative Committee that the University is pleased with this result, “The Bell Museum and its faculty and staff are well known for their quality productions and educational materials. I look forward to the originally planned release of ‘Troubled Waters’.”

Weller said that together with the viewing of the film, the evening will also include an open forum discussion of the many interesting issues and viewpoints raised by the film. “We are excited by the prospect of hosting a discussion forum of the issues and viewpoints raised by Troubled Waters. It is just this kind of intellectual engagement with our exhibits and productions at the Bell that we believe are exactly what the role of Minnesota’s research University should be.”

The screening will be held on Oct. 3 at 4:30 p.m. at the Bell Museum auditorium, 10 Church Street S.E., Minneapolis. Tickets, which are free and available on a first-come-first-served basis, can be obtained by calling (612) 624-9050 or e-mailing belladm@umn.edu .

Tags: College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences