SuperValu aims to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 10 percent

Eden Prairie-based SuperValu says it will cut its emissions of greenhouse gases by 10 percent over the next two years, compared to a baseline year of 2007.

SuperValu says it's the first retailer to join a World Wildlife Fund program called "Climate Savers," where businesses set voluntary targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

SuperValu's director of environmental sustainability, Tom McIntyre, says something as simple as a curtain over refrigerator cases during the night saves energy and money.

"We essentially have the door completely shut through the entire night, it's a simple process; in many cases we've had it automated, and it seals the case up for the night," McIntyre said.

McIntyre said the firm is also making capital investments up front like LED light bulbs and planning deliveries for better fuel consumption.

"That's part of the strategy," he said. "So we feel the money we're spending is helping us lower our operating expenses and be competitive in the industry."

MacIntyre said the effort is comparable in scope to eliminating the electricity use of about 352,000 average U.S. homes for one year.