MinnEcon Blog

What’s your October economic outlook?

The markets spent the morning waiting for word from the Federal Reserve about today's Open Market Committee. We didn't.

At MinnEcon, it's your view on the economy that counts. Your stories and insights tell us a lot more about the direction of things.

We got some solid perspective from sources in MPR's Public Insight Network when we asked how September was shaping up.

Now we want your take on October. Your outlook on the economy brightening, or not? How will that affect your spending and saving decisions for October?

Every response makes us a little smarter about the economy and better able to report on what's happening in Minnesota. So please help.

Data-wise, the news here has been distinctly mixed.

We were told this week that the Great Recession ended officially in June 2009.

Many in our audience didn't buy it.

In Minnesota, a so-so unemployment report last week showed the state's jobless rate edging up to 7 percent in August -- still better than the nation but not great. Construction jobs continue to get hammered.

Today, though, officials applauded a 19 percent increase in Minnesota exports this year compared to last.

What's the economy like where you are?

All thoughts welcome. Post something below or use our handy form. We'll post responses and stories next week. Even if you've tried this before, jump in again. We'd love to hear from you.