On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Flat-rate tuition, entrepreneurs and no fall classes

Flat-Rate Tuition System Weighed in Florida Being a full-time undergrad at some Florida schools may soon mean paying a flat rate for tuition, no matter how many classes you take. (universitybusiness.com)

Value of College Degree Is Growing Despite rising tuition and student-loan debt levels, the long-term payoff from earning a college degree is increasing, the College Board says. (feeds.nytimes.com)

Cost of college: Grads break even by age 33 Someone with a bachelor's degree earns enough by their early 30s to compensate for being out of work for four years and borrowing for tuition. (USA Today)

Top 25 graduate, undergrad colleges for entrepreneurs named The Princeton Review and Entrepreneur magazine today release their eighth rankings of 25 top graduate and undergrad university programs for budding entrepreneurs, whose bright ideas can turn into successful businesses. (USA Today)

U of Fla. proposal to ease crowding: No fall classes? The University of Florida is considering a proposal that would give incoming students the option of taking classes during spring and summer terms. (USA Today)