Corn and soybean harvests starting in Minnesota

The corn and soybean harvests are starting in Minnesota.

In its weekly crop weather report for Minnesota, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said Monday it's receiving its first reports of corn and soybeans being harvested. But it also says wet conditions continue to delay fieldwork.

As of Sunday, 1 percent of the state's corn and 3 percent of its soybeans had been harvested.

Other harvest progress included potatoes at 50 percent, sweet corn at 92 percent, dry beans at 52 percent and sugarbeets at 13 percent, all ahead of their averages.

Temperatures have been unseasonably cool. The statewide average last week was 3.5 degrees below normal. Precipitation remains above normal in most areas. Topsoil moisture is rated 40 percent surplus, the highest this year.

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