On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: criminal athletes, DREAM Act and female PhDs

Arrests of College Athletes Are More Than Double Those of Pros Seventy of the 125 college and pro players arrested this year are college football players. (chronicle.com)

Grant Calder: College Isn't Common Stock A recently released study attempts to grade institutions of higher education by their ROI and in doing so takes the college rankings game to a new low. (Huffington Post)

Survey Details States' Systems for Collecting Student Data The push for more accountability in higher education has been accompanied by calls for more information on the academic performance of individual students. But figuring out what information to collect and how to use it has been complicated because of the variety of data systems in use by states. (chronicle.com)

Senate Leader Will Press for Passage of 'Dream Act' This Year Harry Reid said he planned to offer the immigration measure as an amendment next week to a bill authorizing Defense Department programs. The legislation would create a pathway to citizenship for thousands of undocumented immigrants who attend college and make them eligible for some forms of federal aid. (chronicle.com)

Drexel Freshmen Get Help From 'Personal Librarians The librarian assigned to each student will offer guidance on navigating the library and its online resources. (chronicle.com)

For first time, more women than men earn PhDs The majority for women in doctoral degrees is slight: 50.4%. But the shift has been steady and significant. As recently as 2000, women were earning only 44% of doctoral degrees. In master's degrees, where women have already accounted for a majority of degrees, their share now stands at 60%. (USA Today)

U student invents hands-free mouse It has only been three months since 16-year-old Gavin Ovsak got his driver’s license, but the high school senior and University of Minnesota post-secondary student has already become a budding entrepreneur. (mndaily.com)