On Campus Blog

Emmer: $300 million from higher ed

Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Emmer is starting to talk higher education in the election campaign -- and he's talking cuts.

MPR's Tom Scheck and Mike Mulcahy report that Emmer would reduce higher education funding by $300 million in the next biennium.

For the reactions of his opponents, turn to MPR's Capitol View blog, which reports:

Independence Party candidate Tom Horner said he doesn't think Minnesotans will accept Emmer's plan in part because of the higher ed cuts:

"It leaves people who are trying to go to college out in the cold. He's got to raise tuition rates through the ceiling. It says to Greater Minnesota "the jokes on you" and leaves them in the lurch.

The campaign manager for DFL candidate Mark Dayton released the following statement:

"Rep. Emmer's plan will cut funding for Higher Education by 14%, K-12 Education by 14%, and Local Government Aid by 33%. He will thus cause huge increases in property taxes, higher college tuitions and seriously damage the quality of education throughout Minnesota."