Group wants Emmer to highlight same-sex marriage opposition

The Minnesota Family Council is urging Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Emmer to do more to highlight his opposition to same-sex marriage.

The conservative group has been pushing for a constitutional amendment that defines marriage as between one man and one woman. Emmer is the only liked-minded, major party candidate for governor, but he hasn't been spending much time on social issues.

During a news conference Monday, the group's president Tom Prichard said he's convinced that the same-sex marriage issue could be a game-changer in the November General Election.

"We believe that this could very well carry over, this impact, this consideration, into local races as well," Prichard said. "I would just say that our goal is to make sure the people of Minnesota know where there candidates stand on the issue."

Prichard said his organization will publish and distribute a voters guide in the coming weeks that focuses on the same-sex marriage issue.