Today's Question Blog

Should public schools have to seek voter approval for operating funds?

At the start of each week now through the election, we'll pose a question on an issue that's pertinent to the race for Minnesota governor. Today's Question: Should public schools have to seek voter approval for operating funds?

Democratic candidate Mark Dayton:

Our schools should not have to rely on the property tax to fund our children's education. The Minnesota Supreme Court ruled over 40 years ago that it is unconstitutional. That is why I will increase state funding for public education from the progressive income


Republican candidate Tom Emmer:

Minnesota law provides school districts with the opportunity to seek additional funding by approval of their local taxpayers. I support local taxpayers having the ability to approve or disapprove property tax increases, and believe that referendums give taxpayers an important voice in determining funding and budget decisions made by their local school boards.

Independence Party candidate Tom Horner:

Schools should have voters' approval for new operating levies. With some restrictions, though, I would allow schools to renew levies.