On Campus Blog

Parenting tips at the State Fair

University of Minnesota Parent Program Director Marjorie Savage has her hands full with Moving Day issues at the moment, but she's taking time out tomorrow -- Thursday, Sept. 2 at 1 p.m. on the U of M Stage  -- to discuss college parenting tips at the State Fair.

Savage, author of "You're on Your Own (But I'm Here If You Need Me): Mentoring Your Child During the College Years," will be talking with journalism student Cristeta Boarini.


Among the questions:


Credit cards -- Should a student have one and if so, in what capacity?

When a college student comes home for vacation, things will be very different.  How should a parent deal with this student, who is used to more independence but living at home?

What can parents do the summer before their kid first leaves for college to adjust -- both for the student and the parents?

What kind of programs do universities usually provide to help bridge the gap when parents and students have concern?

How should a student go about telling their parent to lighten up?

Though it sounds like an interview, Savage says she'll "throw questions back to get a student perspective. It'll be more of a conversation."