On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: A news roundup

Paying to snag an internship: Students find they're having to pay companies thousands of dollars to get hooked up with an internship and housing for the summer.

Biz school offers free e-books: Virginia State University is giving free e-textbooks to students in its business school for eight core courses.

Credit card firms cautious: The recent federal reform bans issuers from providing credit cards to people younger than 21 unless another adult co-signs for it or the student can show an independent source of income.

Minnesota firm handling Calif. student loans: The U.S. Department of Education is allowing an Oakdale, MN firm to replace the controversial California nonprofit EdFund as manager of the state's federal student-loan portfolio.

Student loan repayment rate list: US News & World Report has a list of the colleges with the highest and lowest student loan repayment rates.