Bachmann: D.C. rallies motivated by unity, not hate

GOP Congresswoman Michele Bachmann was back in Minnesota's 6th District on Sunday after hitting several major conservative gatherings in Washington, D.C. over the weekend.

Bachmann, who is chair of the tea party caucus in Congress, spoke at a conference held by FreedomWorks, which supports the tea party and at a gathering of the group Americans for Prosperity. Bachmann also attended conservative commentator Glenn Back's rally and held a rally of her own afterwards.

At a festival in Woodbury on Sunday, Bachmann said that the hundreds of thousands of people who convened in Washington want to return to prosperity.

"It's a question now of policy difference. What can we do to make that happen?" Bachmann said. "There's legitimate policy differences that we have, and that's I think that's what November will be all about."

Bachmann also said that her rally and others in D.C. were not motivated by hate.

"What I saw this weekend was not so much an antipathy towards President Obama on a personal level, what I saw was a great unity," she said. "People are saying 'We love this country. We want this country to succeed, we want to see prosperity, we want to see growth, we want to see people's lives improve for the better.' That's what I saw this weekend."

Bachmann's DFL opponent in the 6th Congressional District, Tarryl Clark, has criticized Bachmann for spending too much time outside of the district at events like those held in Washington this past weekend.

Bachmann said such criticisms are "despicable" and said she's home every weekend.